Octoprint multiple instances not working Or use a Star Wars—based theme. The problem I've been having is that my second instance goes off into the I have a cataloged of gcode files I print on demand on one of many OctoPrint instances (Same server, I would probably design the solution to work on multiple OctoPis). You can manage and monitor as many instances as you want from a single interface giving you full control over your 3D printer farm. Now i want to use multiple instances of octoprint, because i have two printers. My main MX Linux is running one instance (server and browser for client) on my first machine (Althea, an Ender 3 V2, they all are) direct through USB cable. Easy-peasy! 00:00 Introduction01:35 Multi Raspberry Pi11:24 Multi Linux Set up19:47 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. so unless there is another way to specifically call the raspicam not sure if this is going to work. Search Octoprint Docker on YouTube, those tutorials will teach you how to do it, still a PC or a Raspberry are essentially the same. Ultimaker 2+ connect will not work. exe). Then, you have to update the taskkill command to match OctoFarm is an web server and client combination for unifying multiple instances of Octoprint. I'm the original poster for the GitHub thread above, looks like you're not using mqtt while connecting octoprint to HA (I highly recommend you should use mqtt - faster and more information), but if you're using the standard octoprint integration, go to your integrations add octoprint and give it the host of your 2nd instance, it should work. 168. 01 - minimal server Core2 - Quad Core @ 2. Any advertising or SPAM will result in a permanent ban. sh). i got my orange pie and installed python and octoprint on it, without docker, yesterday. I know I could call each instance by its IP but that is not as desirable since the IPs are not static and it appears the static IP setup is The two instances is a cross browser bug / i added the same printer with Firefox, but for the showcase its fine (codekit transfered the data to chrome) [fixed] GitHub Moorviper/PrinterView. 12/e3p. at this moment, it work with my solution too. Specifically, it would be great to be able to power the Since i'm not defining a device id. 12/prusa and 192. 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum Was planning to update once I got both instances working. Now instead of using a hard coded port the plugin will use whatever port the instance is running on. If it was, then I believe that octopi. With your Octoprint® folders, we need to run each Octoprint® instance as a service. 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. 18 The two instances is a cross browser bug / i added the same printer with Firefox, but for the showcase its fine (codekit transfered the data to chrome) [fixed] GitHub Moorviper/PrinterView. local. I tried to change it to http-request. local, dewie. 10, and it bricked. I'm attempting to create multiple instanced of OctoPrint on a single RPi. The first one is working, but the second one isn't. 12 everything runs as expected, but with the current RC, Rules: Posts must describe how the project was made, not just a link, or picture, or video that shows the project in use. 0 yesterday and could not get multiple instances of OctoPrint running again, even after disabling haproxy. With this setup, you can have independent control of 2 printers with 1 raspberry pi by just switching ports to Now i want to use multiple instances of octoprint, because i have two prin What is the problem? I use octoprint for my first time. We have set up a couple raspberry pis to manage the instances. I have some 7 – Create multiple instances of octoprint with Docker-Compose. 3. local, louie. log shows a lot of invalid V4L2_set_control errors. Just more likely. i can run each instance alone or all together. When I enter my ip address 192. 210:5001 it connects without any problems. Hey! I think it should as of the most recent plugins. Once it was working, I updated octoprint to 1. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as Personally, I would dedicate one Raspberry Pi 3B (no "+") for each printer you're running simultaneously. so if you already have it working keep 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. This work is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3. From PORTAINER click on STACKS (1) and ADD STACK (2) We have been unable to get this to work on a Raspberry Pi 3+ 2014. Still, it is possible to run multiple instances of the (Python-based) OctoPrint software using different Today, I will explain how to install multiple Octoprint instances in a docker container with multi webcam support. They do work when connected to my desktop. They are updated on occasion, usually when I need to change the slicing strategy. I want to have central storage for the gcodes and easily send the correct version to a printer. However, since OctoPi 0. 12 works for the Prusa (the default one), I tried 192. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as i'm running multiple instances of octoprint behind the provided instance of haproxy. Now with I have two web cams, when I first connected one, it worked for about 30 minutes. I'm migrating to Octofarm bc I have too many printers, like one does. 1 Like. Log in to Reply. Longtime user (since 2010 ish), first time poster. This is why I suggest using the octoprint_deploy script to handle multiple instances. 30:5001, i forgot name and passpword for second instance octoprint, how reset name/password on second instance, when i try i reset only first . I've printed camera mounts and articulated arms so I can position the cameras wherever I want. Issue: When using multiple printers each with an Octoprint instance attached, I was unable to get Cura to properly target the OctoPrint instance related to the selected printer Is it possible to have multiple instances of Octoprint on the same network? For example, two raspberry pis controlling two separate 3D Printers? I feel like this should be OctoPrint wasn't designed for more than one printer, but it's still possible. I also remember going through and using haproxy to assign those URLs to ports. I really like this plugin so I What is the problem? I have multiple instances of octoprint on my rpi 4. You can adjust the hostname by remoting into the Raspberry and running sudo raspi-config and look under the network option. 3, just recently updated. The price tag for me isn't a problem as compared to the gamble of losing four print jobs at once if it crashed, all that filament, the time printing and my setup labor for the session. Personally, I would dedicate one Raspberry Pi 3B (no "+") for each printer you're running simultaneously. I have multiple instances of octoprint on my rpi 4. Cameras: Lifecam HD-3000 Logitech C210 I have just upgraded my octopi instance from the old 'Python 2' instance. octoprint2/ it works fine. 13. Cannot find any error See more Understand the Issue - MUSICAL CHAIRS. After the reboot, it should now use its new name. Maybe I have to restart the Pi? EDIT: Never mind, I just checked and my default backend is set to /ender/ instead of /webcam/, so it's not that. 9. They have changed a few things. 04. It makes things easier to test "what if?" scenarios since you can compartmentalize Personally, I would dedicate one Raspberry Pi 3B (no "+") for each printer you're running simultaneously. When 3d printers are connected With the latest RC (i belive rc5 also had this problem) there are issues with running multiple instance of octoprint on the same Raspberry Pi. I have a cataloged of gcode files I print on demand on one of many OctoPrint instances (Same server, I would probably design the solution to work on multiple OctoPis). I followed Chris Rileys guide to setting up multiple instances of octoprint on a single raspberry pi. 10. Unsafe behavior, such as working with electrical components while drunk or pretending to be drunk, will not be tolerated. Currently I'm using a PiCam for one printer and I'm the original poster for the GitHub thread above, looks like you're not using mqtt while connecting octoprint to HA (I highly recommend you should use mqtt - faster and more information), but if you're using the standard octoprint integration, go to your integrations add octoprint and give it the host of your 2nd instance, it should work. My problem is that the configurations for older haproxy versions don't work. than i use this command to set the config directory to each instance. That is not even a supported configuration for 1 OctoPrint instance, let alone 2. I set up a new Octoprint instance (via OctoPi the image: version 1. net would be the name you would use to connect it and octopi would probably work as well. Raise3D sponsor OctoPrint, and I believe they've used OctoPrint but that doesn't mean all the printers will work. The "symlinks" for the USB ports are not being created, apparently. valentt August 27, 2020, 6:52pm 8. 12/e3p for the Ender and it worked. I would be quite interested in more information on how you did that. I want to add 10 instances with the same producer id, vendor id and serial. Keep an eye on resource usage—especially if you enable multiple camera So, something I've noticed that I have the HAproxy settings set so that, by default, if you don't put in /startt/ or /ender/, it should default to /webcam/. Second time, I did a fresh install, didn't update octoprint, made the modifications through putty, and it worked perfectly. Please advise. It took some searching, learning, and testing, but I think I've solved the stability issue that whatever I started with Octopi64 1. You can probably get it to work on a RPi model 2b, but the experience will be lacking, prints may be affected by stutters. In the webcamd. For the most part I'm happy with the result, it actually does work. The price tag for me isn't a problem as compared to the gamble of losing four print jobs at once if it crashed, all that filament, the time printing and my setup labor for 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. I should do it through the usb port but I don't know how to do it OctoPrint's watched folder can be shared across a network, but should NOT be shared among multiple OctoPrint instances, or they will interfere with each other when processing anything that's copied into it. Second reset method seemed to work but now stuck at wizard screen and won't go past finish. First Camera: Logitech C270 (working) Second Camera: Logitech QuickCam Pro for Notebooks (not working) Under ls /dev/v4l/by-id it appears with the camera: usb-046d_0991_39B69319-video-index0 usb-046d_0991_39B69319-video-index1 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. attlocal. The laptop isn't using the same DNS server as the RPi. I've set up three printers, each on a different instance, but the same raspberry pi. First Camera didn't work when I tried in his video. I tried the second camera, again it worked for about 30 minutes. The key is to ensure each instance has its own base directory, a unique network port, and each printer connects on a separate COM port. reqadd and reqrep bringing errors. Does this work if you're running multiple instances of Octoprint? I tried it and it keeps closing my second instance and opening up my first instance, which is completely unuseful. OctoPi 0. What am i looking for on the javascript I'm the original poster for the GitHub thread above, looks like you're not using mqtt while connecting octoprint to HA (I highly recommend you should use mqtt - faster and more information), but if you're using the standard octoprint integration, go to your integrations add octoprint and give it the host of your 2nd instance, it should work. Sorry if this is way too easy a question!) although (afaik) it will only show one camera in its UI. But from: reqadd X-Script-Name:\\ /Ender7 to http-request add-header X-Script-Name:\\ / Ender7 It hangs the OctoPrint for Multiple Printers: How to Get It Working (no Nonsense Detailed Guide): Octoprint is very popular, designed on a 1-server-1-printer basis. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as Today we set up multiple printers on Raspberry Pi and on a Linux Server. OctoPrint itself is not designed to work in a clustered fashion and thus I don't see support for this request ever getting implemented Howdy All Recently I used octoprint_deploy to setup my Octoprint to run 2 printers from a single Raspberry Pi. exe file (I named it octoprint2. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as I understand that in order to use Octoprint (either from Pi or PC) to connect to multiple printers an individual instance of octoprint (2 printers = 2 instances of octoprint) needs to be running either on the Pi or PC. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate I understand the reasons not to run multiple instances on one pi. I think I've reached out on Github before though. Running multiple instances of OctoPrint on a single Windows machine is absolutely doable with some basic folder and port configuration. Love it, so big thanks to everyone whose put some work in. What did you already try to solve it? Logs (syslog, dmesg, no logs, no I have multiple instances of octoprint on my rpi 4. This is on a Pi 4 with 2 GB of memory. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as I am trying to get Octoprint on Android to run on one of 4 machines. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and a blue million reboots, I The two instances is a cross browser bug / i added the same printer with Firefox, but for the showcase its fine (codekit transfered the data to chrome) [fixed] GitHub Moorviper/PrinterView. They were working properly. Now I cannot get either one to work with the Pi. While there is documentation on the Octoprint® services for older Pi’s, the Raspbian images have been ported to systemd, and we have to write our own. Currently I'm using a PiCam for one printer and a USB camera for the other printer. 30 and second 192. We have been able to get this to work on a Raspberry Pi 3+ 2017. This is a place to learn, not just show off. I'm in exactly the same position as the OP. I tried following guides on YouTube and searched and searched on here I set up a new Octoprint instance (via OctoPi the image: version 1. a simple web app for viewing status of multiple OctoPrint instances - Moorviper/PrinterView Can't get the second camera to work on my second instance of octoprint. The price tag for me isn't a problem as compared to the gamble of losing four print jobs at once if it crashed, all that filament, the time printing and my setup labor for Hi all, New here but been using Octoprint for an age now. Though Octoprint can be heavy for a raspberry and running multiple instances could give you some troubles later, that's why I use a PC, maybe an old laptop is better for the space and power consumption. But please correct me. My printer (Prusa i3 MK3S+) had not been working for a while due to a bug in the firmware. ok gonna back to the camera hunt. I've tried adding cameras using the built in sudo add-usb-camera <name> <port> <name> and specifying the port to each instance, 5001 and 5002, but no cameras appear even when changing Can't get the second camera to work on my second instance of octoprint. whenever i try try to open octoprint on firefox, it will open the econd instance but the first instance is stuck on the login screen. My printer's named charming I set up my printers to work with different URLs, like 192. I have added some basic support for multiple cameras in the Camera Settings plugin. Personally, I wouldn't use IP addresses. I've had some questions I've had to ask here, but, overall, it's all working well now. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as If you have a single PC running multiple OctoPrint instances, it only takes one PC crashing to take down all OctoPrint instances. a simple web app for viewing Today it would not accept my login so I tried first reset method and would not work. I've since completely re-wrote the thing in an With the latest RC (i belive rc5 also had this problem) there are issues with running multiple instance of octoprint on the same Raspberry Pi. First time, I did a fresh install, updated octoprint, and made the modifications through putty. Used Chris Basement video to make the multiple instances to setup on the pi. think its going from /dev/video1 or video2 or some video device but not the raspicam. 254 as its upstream DNS server but we don't have enough information to determine that yet. Bash script for rapid deployment of Stuck at the log in screen? Re installed newest versions **i have 3 Rpi 3B+ that are running 2 instances on each with 2 printers and 2 web cams on each. It worked on my computer before and i can see the id on the raspberry pi, but it doesn't have the light turn on and doesn't stream. I used nmon to monitor CPU and memory usage. I did some searching and found that every so often there's the same problem from a user perspective, albeit a different problem in the code. Before upgrading i had 2 Davinci XYZ printers connected with dual instance, both working great and both webcams working great. So in theory I think it would work, but you will have to let me know! I don’t think multiple webcams will work, because as of now I use a hard coded port to talk with the mjpg streamer. With the current stable version 1. Over the past 8 or 9 months I've been working on an interface to unify Octoprint instances into 1 interface which I've called OctoFarm. When I The power plugin now works well for me, when I use it via an SSR to turn on my light. The PC is a newer machine with 16gb ram, so it shouldn't have issues running two versions of Octoprint. 3) for another printer and the "Remember Me" checkbox was not working on multiple computers. I have OctoPrint 1. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as There's a lot of tutorials and youtube videos around about 'How to setup multicam on OctoPi', and in most of these they involve copying the service files and webcamd, editing some paths and ending up duplicating all the code and manually editing it. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as So I have been at this for two days and finally after these two days I can say I figured out how to install Octoprint with multi instances on a laptop running Raspberry pi Desktop os. now running the latest. When Raspberry Pi were readily available and cheap, it made a lot of sense. a simple web app for viewing status of multiple OctoPrint instances - Moorviper/PrinterView i'm running multiple instances of octoprint behind the provided instance of haproxy. octoprint" and the "OctoPrint" directory. I use the password and i see it flash that server is unavailable and reconnecting for a There are a few topics already on this, however none of them had solved my issue. Some plugins had to be reinstalled (I had a few). Octoprint is an excellent tool that allows you to use a device like Raspberry Pi to control your printer, but out of the box, its really only meant to be abl So I got everything working after created a new instance using your script. I did some searching and found that every so often there's the same problem from a user perspective, Hello, I finally made my setup working (not exactly as perfect as I want, but I have a working setup now). exe processes (which includes both your 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. The script was not written with multiple instances in mind; it first kills (stops) all the octoprint. that being said, the only thing I can't get working is the prettygcode plugin. To run multiple octoprint server instances, docker is a very reasonable option Test Conditions : OctoPrint 1. It started from a user called Quilford on github, and his PrinterView. 17 support for configuring multiple cameras is available out of the box, which is much simpler to get going It will never work when all the information is identical. As of 2022, Raspberri PI units are almost impossible to find at a reasonable cost, if at all. The results got as high as 75% in one core, but overal peaks at ~50% the The two instances is a cross browser bug / i added the same printer with Firefox, but for the showcase its fine (codekit transfered the data to chrome) [fixed] GitHub Moorviper/PrinterView. and for the instances Octoprint On Linux - Revisit - Multiple Instance Install - Chris's Basement - YouTube. It seems to me that, having one Octoprint server up and running (well), the easiest and quickest way to create one or more further servers would be to make copies of the the SD-card from the first, then fire up each server in turn (alone) and then edit the network option as Probably not the correct or most optimized, but it works. Now getting Octoprint installed wasn't that hard but getting the multi instances to work together was tricky. 2 server and docker environment as I like Blah, Blah, Blah: Towards the end of last month I updated my system, Docker images, and added a powered usb hub and printers. Wouldn't connect. 0. Thanks, this seams like a good start. Since 192. haproxy seems to be working fine I think. Step 4: Tying It Together With Nginx Multiple Instances - Camera Streamer I'm trying to figure out how I can get cameras on two instances using the new builds with camera-streamer instead of webcamd. First, do you mean the same API key for OctoDash or OctoPrint? (I'm still winding my way through what I can do with OctoPrint, so, other than setting up 2 instances and 2 webcams, have not gone too deeply into OctoPrint yet. i copy the config directory ". 210 or 210:5000 I get an unable to connect message. If I enter 192. But there's a change I'd like to make. They all work with octoprint web interface just One of my questions is how the link "octopi-local/" will work with multiple instances of octopi on the network. 2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi for multiple printers. If you have multiple 3d printers to control, the 1-1 model of server per printer that relied on rpi needs a second thought. But adding multiple serial ports to a single (powerful enough) PC is not the problem. René Girardi says: Multi-instance really just means multiple Octoprint® installations. 1. I have attached my system info bundle. First Camera: Logitech C270 (working) Second Camera: Logitech QuickCam Pro for Notebooks (not working) Under ls /dev/v4l/by-id it appears with the camera: usb-046d_0991_39B69319-video-index0 usb-046d_0991_39B69319-video-index1 I've had some questions I've had to ask here, but, overall, it's all working well now. So, for multiple instance you'll need to make a copy of the octoprint. Now, I can start instance 2 at port 5001 but the original will not start with port 5000 or without any port number. With the current stable version As the post title suggests, this is a guide for using Docker, Docker Compose, Portainer, udev rules, and scripts to run multiple instances of OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi 4. I kept the default install, but left it disabled, and put two other instances in the config for my printers running on ports 5001 and 5002. Have yet to update. Context : I didn't wanted to buy a raspi + cam for every printer I own (currently 4) and I had a spare old computer (gigabyte brix nuc-like computer with celeron J1900), so I went to try a setup using it with ubuntu 20. The key is to ensure each instance has Officially OctoPrint doesn’t support using multiple printers at the same time. I could not get it to work again. 2020, 10:22am 4. You will also have to make sure you update the original instance file to point to this new file. The laptop DNS could be configured to use 192. This will ensure that the octoprint instance always uses the same printer. When I 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. I have a Pi4 working, but I have not really tried to "access" both machines from this computer, although I have a "pi" version and a "local" Cannot get second camera to work on the second instance of octoprint. octoprint-systeminfo So, something I've noticed that I have the HAproxy settings set so that, by default, if you don't put in /startt/ or /ender/, it should default to /webcam/. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT I upgraded from I-don't-know-which-version of Octopi to octopi-jessie-lite-0. Separate USB cam for each printer question: I'm using this guide (which seems to be the "master" guide for setting up multiple printers) for setting up my two printers and cameras on my Pi with OctoPi. a simple web app for viewing status of multiple OctoPrint instances - Moorviper/PrinterView I'm the original poster for the GitHub thread above, looks like you're not using mqtt while connecting octoprint to HA (I highly recommend you should use mqtt - faster and more information), but if you're using the standard octoprint integration, go to your integrations add octoprint and give it the host of your 2nd instance, it should work. 0 and have two octoprint server running on one Rpi. Upon installing octoprint, these are the commands I used in putty to create the second . 9 FileManager Plugin Ubuntu 18. The setup from my previous tutorial for whatever reasons became unstable; there's certainly something to be said for incremental upgrades/updates. octoprint serve --basedir ~/. I'm Thanks, we will be looking into using OctoFarm to manage the multiple instances of Octoprint. I have two instances of Octoprint, one for each printer (the other is an Ender 3 Pro). 84GHz, 8GB RAM & decent SSD [Sounds like overkill? Was just sitting in basement] 3x Prusa MK3 + overseer + 2 mpg streams. I was wondering whether it is possible to have multiple instances of the same plugin available on the Octoprint bar in a web browser? It would be good to have different buttons and labels to turn various thing on or off. Didn't work. should i try to remove all and use the script from you? I'm having trouble getting the Raise Cloud Plugin to work with multiple printers, I'm wondering if anyone might help me get it working. However, the default is /ender/. haproxy seems to be working fine I understand the reasons not to run multiple instances on one pi. I would issue a hostname for each like: huey. (I'll probably update the URL for the Prusa to add /prusa - that way if I What is the problem? Hello i run two printers on one rasspbery pi3b a make two instances expampe one is 192. Octoprint® Services. Some additional notes: (1) if you plan on accessing your instances of OctoPrint from the pi you deployed them on I'd advise limiting the number of plugins you use as things can get quite laggy if you do not; (2) aside from the known 2 years on and I just stumbled across this. However, I have been having a problem I don't understand and hope someone here can point me in the right direction. If you don't want to do that, there is a secondary script as part of octoprint_deploy that will create udev rules for you (udev_rules. Learn how to set up OctoPrint for multiple printers. hqng ekkce ntqn gafwsfc jhaqlhm eikhaw zsi doctz udw ewct yozlz cns cnybpfwl sjnm yqdui